Minggu, 11 Agustus 2013

Alih bahasa Inggris ka bahasa Sunda heureuy

Assalamu'alaikum..... Sampurasun.... Rampes.. Akang, eteh, abah, ambu, sareng alo-alo di padesaan katut baraya di pakotaan, mamang bade diajar alih bahasa Inggris ka bahasa Sunda, ieu mah mung heureuy batan bengong hehehe
Cenah bahasa Sunda teh gampang, singset, ringkas contona ieu:
Translate Inggris - Sunda :
1. Inggris = Spending a lot of time with doing nothing
Sunda = Ngajedog 
2. Inggris = Got hit by a truck that is moving backward
Sunda = Katabrak treuk

3. Inggris = Talk too much about unimportant things
Sunda = Ngacapruk
4. Inggris = Fall backward and then hit own head
Sunda = Ngajengkang
5. Inggris = Falling forward and may hit own face
Sunda = Tikusruk
6. Inggris = A small sharp thing, embedded inside one finger's skin
Sunda = Kasura
7. Inggris = Have much less knowledge
Sunda = Belegug
8. Inggris = A little chair made from woods
Sunda = Jojodog / Jejengkok
9. Inggris = People who always annoy other people
Sunda = Si kehed
10. Inggris = Man or woman who has an ugly face
Sunda = Goreng patut
11. Inggris = Just take rest but didn't sleep
Sunda = Gogoleran / Gegelehean
12. Inggris = Meals made from rice which is covering by banana leaf and have much of surprise inside
Sunda = Leupeut
13. Inggris: The situation when your brain need more oxygen
Sunda: Heuay
14. Inggris = A woman who have hillarious body like a Spain guitar
Sunda = Bahenol
15. Inggris : People who have thought more mature than her age
Sunda: Kokolot begog
16. Inggris: A Type of People Who Have a Long Chin
Sunda: Cameuh
17. Inggris: A something that can radiate the sparkling light
Sunda: Buricak Burinyay
18. Inggris: A very small plate, usually used for pad of coffee cup
Sunda: Pisin
19. Inggris: There's a little something disgusting in your eyes
Sunda: Cileuh
20. Inggris: That moment when you walking after the rain and mud is splattered on your shoes
Sunda: Jeblog

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